
All the other roses of a bouquet have now wilted but these two white ones still look rather good, so I have put them into a smaller vase.

After emptying a cupboard and moving it to the centre of the room, I also emptied the wardrobe, slid it more to the right and filled it again. The next step will be to move my desk to where the wardrobe has been. There were moments when I barely had enough space to move around and the room now looks an even greater mess than it did before, but at least I was able to make some progress.

Moving my desk will have to wait until Tuesday though as I doubt I'll feel up to it when I get home from work tomorrow, especially as I'm going to have an extra early start because I already have to be there at 5 am for the stock-taking.

Many thanks for the kind comments and stars on yesterday's juvenile Moorhen blip.

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