
By analogconvert13

Old 'n New.

We needed to have some of the copper sheathing on the outside of our condo building replaced.  It's a long story:  one of the units has had a leak when the wind blows from a certain direction and drives the rain through a chink in the copper work.  When the contractor took the old sheathing off to find out what was going on, he discovered that the waterproof membrane had been installed underneath the plywood cladding and not on top of it - as is the convention.  While it's true that all the components of the exterior layer are supposed to work in tandem to keep water out, this may be the problem...  Most of the old copper went back again, but there are some shiny new pieces which replace those which seemed to have voids.  The perspective is weird since the Blip is from the ground looking up the copper stack.

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