Picture this..

By northernlass261

Getting Ready

Sun and cloud today with a stiff hot wind.   Storms forecast overnight and next few days.

Took a peek outside in the early hours to see if I could see the Moon.   Someone had told me that it would be around for today as well.   Not in the right direction for me to see.   However, on our early morning walk at about 7.45 am it was going down into the sea.   In 10 minutes it was gone.   I took a few shots so have put one in extras.   Not very clear but you can see the redness!

Went to Pilates this morning and started in our new venue, so decided to blip some of the 'girls' waiting to get started.

As with anything new, there were complaints.   There is a wall of full length glass which adjoins a public area where people can sit, so they were not happy at people seeing them!    However, the Town Hall are to put some opaque cover on the bottom half so that should suit them!   Apart from that it was great, it has a wooden flooring and not tiles.

The problem we are having is that the class size is too big and it has been suggested that some move into an 11.30 class.   Guess what - no-one wants to!

This afternoon it was our first Bowling day in the new venue, so two firsts today.   That went well and everyone thought the new room was better - and it won't leak!

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