My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Sunset over Suffolk

After work I called at my son's to see how his partner is getting on.   She broke a bone in her foot three weeks ago as she stepped outside to hang some washing out and stood on one of Charlie's rope toys, twisted her foot and heard and felt something give.   She thought she had just twisted it but was in such pain that my son took her to A&E where an x-ray revealed that she had fractured a bone on the outside edge of her foot.   She is still hobbling about, has to wear a support boot and is supposed to use crutches, but she is head strong and is trying to do too much too soon!!  
I was invited to stay to dinner to sample a Quiche Lorraine that my granddaughter had made at school, it was really delicious and she  served it with sauté potatoes and a mixed salad.
As I was leaving I noticed this fabulous sight from their front garden and just had to use it for my blip tonight.    I loved the how the skeins of geese are flying across the sky.  Two sunsets in a row, and both equally beautiful.
I have back blipped the 19th and 20th September if you care to take a look.

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