Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Long as we can be together
Listen to the pouring rain
Listen to it pour
And with every drop of rain you know I love you more ...

This poor guy looked distinctly unloved as he did hotel front step sentry duty in the pouring rain in the Taksim district of Istanbul. We were sheltering in a little student bar called Absurt, just off the main shopping street, and the lightning was turning the sky white as the rain fell. I thought it deserved a picture and it turned out suitably moody 

The Absurt was a lovely little bar with a really friendly manager who very honestly gave me back a wad of notes when I misheard how much he wanted for the beers (they were absurdly cheap) and handed over far too much cash. We sat there for about an hour and a half, talking to a very pretty cat, smoking a sneaky cigarette (I don't think I've had a fag in two years) and drink Effs, the local Turkish beer. TSM went next door to try and explain her need for makeup remover to an elderly chemist shop owner with no English, with unsurprising results. This did not dent our good mood.

As for the rest:

Very nice hotel breakfast and another chat with the lovely Muglane who has decided we are a shining example of how to grow old gracefully. Went to the stunning Topkapi palace which is a riot of gorgeous tile work, jewelled artefacts, lovely architecture, and beautiful fountains and gardens. We both agreed that the Harem was our favourite although had a debate about whether it was worth, as a man, being castrated for the job security that a eunuch had. 

Went back to the Capodocia for snacks and tea, the waiter calling me Lon-Don! in honour of my t-shirt with the same stark proclamation of my city of origin. I might confuse him tomorrow by wearing the Whistler t-shirt that the Girl Racer bought me.

Early evening we caught the tram up to the new city and had a walk though some steep and edgy back streets. I have never seen so many cats but they seem well cared for, and in fact we even saw a curious pyramid shaped cat house at one point, with a blanket in each slot - a sort of moggie dovecot. 

Had a nice meal in our chosen restaurant which was advertised as vegetarian but was nothing of the sort - but it did do a lot of veggie and vegan food. Good rather than great, but with a lovely atmosphere and quirky decor - worth going to for that and the fact that it is in a really buzzy area.

Afterwards we got caught in the torrential rain, bought an umbrella for the princely sum of £1.70,and got lost in Taksim circle trying to find a tram back to our hotel. So we agreed a fee of £5 with a reluctant elderly cabbie and took route one home, although his decision to drive across the city at 60mph In second gear and then get lost did not suggest he was one of Istanbul's finest.

So a really good day ... a real taste of Istanbul ....Its food, it people and its street life ...

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