0804 to Leeds


A Life in Pictures

Who thought photographing boxes would be so dull and uninspiring?!

I really had trouble visualising anything decent or creative for this challenge and in the end had to go with 'box set'. Hopefully the description I provide here will make up for the lack in creativity of the image.

I went through a phase of buying (DVD) box sets, a long time before they got superseded by Blu-ray. I bought a number of them based on the directors I like(d): Coen Brothers, Alfred Hitchcock, and this - Stanley Kubrick.

This box set contains all his masterpieces, from Lolita (1962) and 2001 (1968), to his last ever film - Eyes Wide Shut (1999). Purists would claim that it should contain Spartacus also but that is one to argue out on the film forums :)

For me, his films have masterful images which stick in your brain, much more akin to photographs than cinematography. This is not surprising as Kubrick had an interest in photography from a very early age. He sold his first picture to 'Look', one of America's great illustrated magazines, at the age of just 16. An image showing a news vendor mourning the death of President Roosevelt. Kubrick was undoubtedly, a truly unique and uncompromising talent.

The photo today, and the ones on the box set, are from his most revolutionary film - 2001: A Space Odyssey.

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave..."

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Our Daily Challenge (ODC): BOX

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