Of coffee and biscuits and narrow escapes

I have been looking forward to this all day. Coffee (made with half decaf and half caffeinated ground coffee) and a couple of the biscuits I made yesterday and iced today. It's very very very rare that I ever get around to icing anything I make, usually because it's all been eaten before I get chance! But Libby inspired me yesterday. I thought I'd give it a go. I butchered the biscuit recipe she gave me and added some stuff of my own. Here's my biscuit recipe!

This morning was VERY early. I know I said last week that the mornings had been pretty early, and I blamed the grandparents entirely - Ben was just too excited about seeing them, and had to get up early! Evidently at home there's nothing so exciting to get up for ;) Today, however, after yesterday's falling asleep at 5pm, he was awake and ready for breakfast at 5.30am. *groan....*

So we were all up and dressed and breakfasted well before 9am, and off to the supermarket by bus for milk so I could have some proper breakfast rather than just toast when we got back! We bought our biscuit decorations as well while we were there, and after a hot chocolate in the cafe headed home again. Back home I made up the icing and got everything ready, and while Charley had lunch of leftover pizza and garlic bread with me (Ben was not hungry, having eaten ALL his breakfast earlier) Ben decorated two biscuits and delegated the rest of the decorating to me. Which was fine by me!! I totally enjoy that kind of thing more than him - I'm hoping that as we do more of it, he'll grow to enjoy it more though.

Before school I managed to strip the chicken Steve roasted earlier in the week and finally got a stock bubbling away on the hob, and then it was all of a sudden time to take Ben to school. He'd only been asking to go for over an hour. It was pretty amazing outside the school door, all the kids there kinda got into a big huddle and ran in together!!!! They have made friends, they know each other, they know their school and they evidently enjoy going there. There were no tears from anybody today. All the children seemed genuinely happy to be there which is the best thing that any parent can hope for with a school setting.

Back home, I finally got my coffee and biscuits and whiled away the time blogging and eating and all of a sudden it was time to get Ben again!!! Amazing how fast three hours can go. At school I only narrowly avoided a major crisis. Ben came out and asked where his bike was. I'd promised to bring it - and had forgotten completely. He crumbled. Completely. We were rescued from a full scale breakdown by one of his teachers who rather wonderfully offered to loan him a scooter to scoot home on! There was an instant flash of a smile on Ben's face, and the excitement grew as he waited for her to bring the scooter out - and he scooted most of the way home! Considering that was his first time on a scooter he did really really well. He's got the weekend to practice, and we take it back on Monday. And I MUST remember to bring his bike to pick him up on Monday!!!!! Cor that was a narrow escape.....

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