
By oneD

The Sea Books

Painting / Drawing Series # 150

Digital drawing on ipad


My latest piece of work.  It's an illustration for a short story written by Chris Bird and Mina Boromand called 'The Sea Books', an allegorical fantasy.  

An extract........

" They washed up on the shore in the early spring morning, unseen and uninvited. At first there were only four or five moving on the brisk waves. Riding the white water they landed on the level brown sand like massive shells from the ocean floor...........the village priest came to inspect them for sacrilegious content but went away disappointed when he found none........... Local politicians made committed speeches both in favour and against the crowding piles of books ......"

The full story is here (its short):http://www.lalluredesmots.com/fiction/the-sea-books-by-chris-bird

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