Blue Skies in the Morning

The day started with glorious sunshine and blue skies.  By the time lunch came around, the skies had dulled down and even been a light shower this evening.  

I've been working in the museum office today and had plenty to be getting on with, old photos and orders :)
I did go out for a walk at lunchtime but it had clouded over by then and not so photogenic compared to this morning.
A few hours to myself before I have to work in the pub tonight.  I also have to run my niece Elise to Burra, on the way to work.

It's not the most exciting of scenes but really the only photo I took today that is of any sense :)  A quick snap, looking up to the road to mam's shed and campervan garage, with her house tucked in behind. Hopefully have another fine day tomorrow and snap something with a little more interest :)  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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