The Milwaukee River.... seen from Thiensville. I had an appointment in Thiensville this morning--it's a little village about 45 minutes north of our home-- & I was early, so I strolled down the block to take a look at the Milwaukee River. The river is about 104 miles long, starts further North in the state, & meanders through lots of small cities & towns before running through downtown Milwaukee & then emptying into Lake Michigan. Usually at this time of the year the trees lining the banks of the river are stunning in their colors, but as you can see they haven't even started changing yet. It seems that many of the trees are dropping their leaves WITHOUT changing color which is so disappointing when you wait all year to see the beautiful displays they usually put on!
After my meeting I met my sister for breakfast so we could catch up, as I hadn't seen her since before we went to Houston. We stopped at the cemetery to say "Hi" to our parents, did a little shopping & then I headed back home, getting there just in time for a skype from Jen & the baby, both of whom are doing great!  The baby grew an inch and a half in 22 days--so amazing! By the next time we skype she'll probably be talking!! Haha!   :)

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