With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

It all came flooding back

It rained all day, which felt wonderful and the torrents are all gushing about it too.

I had a delightful morning, with a slow start and then a really good chat with my old neighbour from Formby and his partner, here on holiday and met by amazing coincidence. They have had wonderful travels all over the world and it was great to hear about that, reminisce a little and talk a little about my infant school friend Lizzie, so sadly now gone from us. She has left two wonderful children though and maybe I will be able to meet up with her younger sister next year.

The boys finished early for the last time this year, so we drove up to Fornalutx after I signed little Agu up for a lunchtime class. Manga drawing!
We had a truly magnificent pizza feast in the car in the rain and it felt like a mini holiday.

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