Porty Girl!!!

By portyg

lucky angels

Enjoying new job. Mr P phoned me to tell me he had got the job he had applied for. Number one son phoned to say he was enjoying his new job. Number two son thinks his temporary job is "ok", but loves having money.

It's been a year of changes and uncertainty for all of us, but things seem to be settling down again.

Mr P laughing at me, as I've bought xmas pressies, wrapped them, and written cards- and have even put stamps on them. No - not because I'm ultra organised. It's just me postponing the inevitable, making excuses not to start writing a critical analysis assignment. I hate writing essays - I'll even think about hand brushing carpets rather than start- altho once I start it's usually ok (am asthmatic so it's a real sacrifice). It's not due until the beginning of January, but I want to have it done before the holiday season starts.

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