Childof theUniverse 1

By PetkinBrown

Wedding Anniversary ❤️

......Happy Anniversary ❤️ Greeted me as I was up before 7am to take my darling husband to the railway station this morning....I would dearly loved to have slept in as I am on night shift tonight.....But needs must...!! My washing in the dryer by 8:3am.
Shopped in Sainbury's this morning before returning home in time to take A to the train station (Again) so he can spend the weekend with H.
While driving home I passed a Snowplough....Yes it was a snowplough complete with scoopy bit at the front (18°) on the car dashboard....!! Getting bogged down with meeting Minutes for Monday......Could do with a Power Nap before work...!!
Hubby is watching the Rugby (on TV) in London (Early dinner for one)...Xx

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