
By Cigs

Calton Road

A strange one, this. All outline and no infill. Fairly recent - probably done over the weekend. Black outline with not much white infill. Interrupted? Doubtful on a sanctioned street art space. More likely skint? Do we need to start a Cigs kickstarter to buy him some more paint? Possibly... I could speak to the dude who runs Spectrum and leave the proceeds behind the counter for him to choose what he wants.

But rewards? Need to think about this.

£10 and he'll add your name to a tag?
£20 and he'll do a tag on your front door.
£100 and you can get a masterclass from Cigs himself.

Anyway, I couldn't stop; there was sunshine to be enjoyed. Black outline, white infill (sort of), dated 15, joint venture with Acab,

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