
By Realgrumpytyke

A trip to Leeds - street photography

Cities are something I avoid but there are exceptions and fortunately Leeds, only 15 minutes on the train from home, is one of them. Needing to visit the Apple shop in the Trinity centre (a lot of photo opportunities there) I decided to take the Olympus Pen and spend some time trying my hand at some street photography. It's not a genre in which I've been happy with my attempts in the past but it is one which attracts me.
I need a lot more practice in 'shooting from the hip'; I had many chopped off heads and feet so glad I was using digital, not wasting a lot of film. However, I did finish with half a dozen pictures which I was reasonably happy to publish. 
Try as I may I could not get the two gentlemen shown within one shot, even though they were not very far apart in the outside section of Kirkgate market. So I've combined two of the shots for my blip today. The diversity illustrates very well one of the things I like about Leeds.

I may decide to put one or two others of the day's shots in the 'extra photos', but not this evening.
Olympus Pen E-PL3. Lumix 14mm f/2.5

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