Sunbiggin Tarn

Started the day with a painful & yet somehow relaxing sports massage - I've known D. from him being my trainer, friend & now physical therapist - his advice - "sitting at a desk is not good for you - get back up into those there mountains" - it's true - the knee aches a lot less when I'm doing stuff.

I couldn't quite manage mountains today - sadly Pushka's not really up to the big days any more - but we had a lovely five or six miles on the moors around Sunbiggin - circumnavigating the tarn & finding pathways through and around the wetlands that feed it. When I'd been in Kendal first thing it was grey skies and cold - and in the distant views you can see the mist never really left the little valleys of the Howgills - but the open moors were gloriously warm and sunny.

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