
Ouch! I'm achey today after my workout yesterday. My arms and chest are killing me. Maybe the dips and the press ups weren't such a great idea on my first session!

At least I can relax this evening with my new book. My mum recommend it ages ago and it's been sat in my bedside cabinet gathering dust ever since. I'm now totally hooked and can't put it down. I've been taking it to work to read at lunch and I read little snippets where ever I can. And the funny thing is (that I didn't know till I started reading it) is that it set in 1911 in a sleepy Berkshire village of Cold Ash. The main character makes regular trips to Thatcham and Newbury! Perfect!

P had a good day at school, but unfortunately the school will be closed tomorrow due to a sickness outbreak. An ever increasing number of staff and pupils are getting ill so to try an minimise the spread they are closing for the day. Luckily Mr J can work at home. I'm just praying P doesn't come down with it.

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