Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Badge Collector does it again!

More sewing but luckily only the Pack Holiday badge. The other two have to go on her camp blanket, which means glue. Hurrah!

The day started with a lovely 'nuggle with my Monkey. Had to wake Carys at 07.30 (sure sign of tiredness), after school drop most of the day was spent on stuff in the house, putting the blind in Carys's room, washing, sorting in trays etc. Had a snippet of me time getting my nails done. (My post NHS treat, never could have them done while I was an NHS employee.)

Then it was Will to swimming, having dropped C at home. Back for tea then out with C to Brownies. Both are now in bed and hopefully asleep. I say hopefully as Carys has had particular 'difficulty' going to sleep this week, resulting in her being very tired now.

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