Dexter's Morning Self-Actualization Routine

Dexter the Tabby stands up on two very white back paws and balances himself upon the bathroom mirror with the front two. And this is what he says: "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better!" Isn't this a marvelously positive way to begin each day?

Or perhaps you would like the REAL story. Which is to say, the truth. :-) It was morning and my husband asked me to peel an orange for breakfast. You know how I am. I simply cannot be trusted with potentially whimsical fruits and vegetables.

So I carved a smiling face into the orange and photographed it, surrounded by the Dancing Girls and Crittergators. This all happened on the bathroom counter, of course, where almost all of my little whimsy photo shoots take place!

And Dexter could NOT be left out of it. He climbed up on the counter and positioned himself where he could keep an eye on me in the mirror. And from there, he moved into the position you see here. So it's actually a spying tactic, that whole cat-in-the-mirror thing . . .

The soundtrack: the Beatles, with It's Getting Better All the Time.

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