
By Snazzledazzle

Foam-handed Snapdragon

Is it just me or can anyone else see a flower with foam hands saying 'Yeah!'

Tough week. Personality clash at work. Meeting at Midlothian Community Hospital to discuss my dad's future. He was in a home due to his Alzheimer's, but he's no longer suitable for the home he was in. Where next? I was a bit unprepared for the doctor discussing my dad's death: whether or not to attempt resuscitation if my dad goes into cardiac arrest; whether or not to transfer him to the Royal Infirmary for intravenous antibiotics if he gets pneumonia. It was comforting, however, that my stepmother, my stepsister and I are all agreed about what treatment my dad would and would not want.

I don't really want to be contemplating my dad's death so soon after losing my mum, but you have to be realistic about these things. I'd rather they were discussed than not discussed.

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