Watching the Wildlife

Today has been hectic! I've had a mad push to get everything done to free up my day tomorrow, when I've got a blipmeet with the lovely Beewriter (& possibly a few others). If anyone is free and in the vicinity of Manchester city centre tomorrow, we will be in Waterstones cafe on Deansgate at 11.30am. All welcome, we are all friends here :-)

I woke early and decided to clean the windows; it was a bit chilly outside even in my onesie!  but felt really fresh. I was glad I got them done.

When I went back in, Mr A was just waking up so we had a coffee together before he left for work. He's in London until tomorrow night, so I'm glad I'm keeping busy!

I was meant to be meeting up with my sister, but she cancelled last minute quel suprise, but that actually did me a favour as I got more stuff done at home.

I've brought my camera out of retirement ready for tomorrow, I'm embarrassed enough at it being a compact, without turning up with just my iphone! Luckily, I had great subject matter in the garden in the form of the squirrels (plus cat). These two had an absolute whale of a time chasing each other round the garden, along the fence and up various trees, all the while with the cat doing its best to keep up!

I've come to the conclusion that the cat is playing, as the squirrels really aren't phased by it being there. This photo was taken during a time out!

Bee has very kindly offered to loan me a DSLR camera tomorrow to 'have a play with', hopefully it will confirm that I need to invest in something better than my compact, especially since we've now booked our next holiday, where we will be watching the wildlife in a game reserve.

We almost booked for America again; we fancied doing the Deep South but I decided I couldn't face another coach tour just yet. Lots of other suggestions were thrown into the mix, but then I saw fellow blipper Jacqueline's honeymoon photo's of South Africa and I was sold!

So we've booked a self drive of the Garden Route, with 2 nights at a game reserve. Mr A has been to SA before (of course) but Cape Town is the only place on our trip that he's visited before. It means we will be on the road again, but we can take it at our pace, rather than being dictated to when and where we go.

11 months and counting!

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