
By Gochan6

Bronte beach rock pool

I was up before dawn and off to the beach. It was cold (for Sydney at least), maybe less than 10 degrees, and I was rugged up to keep warm. I was tough, fearless, braving the elements, all for the photo. I get to the beach & boldly make my way down to the rockpool, in the dark. How brave I am. And then, I discover there's some dude swimming in the ocean rock pool...at 5.45am, in the freezing cold dark...and he's only wearing budgie-smugglers. And he's like 70 years old!! Well ok I say, so he's a tough bloke...I can deal with that.
Then from behind, I hear the pitter-patter of light feet, and a squeaky old voice excusing it's owner past me. Get outta here - she looks even older!! Maybe 80!! And it ain't the rock pool for this old biddy. She's heading for the ocean!! Has she lost her mind in old age?? Should I go and save her?? Down the old steel ladder and in she goes. I'm stunned. What's going on here?
Clearly this is how the old folks roll around here. Hard as nails, tough as leather, and two or three times older than me. I make my quiet retreat - in my hoodie, heavy jacket, beanie, warm socks, still cold, and leave the pool to the real tough nuts, the golden oldies at Bronte.

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