~The Raptor Center~

Today I took my nephew Kyle to the raptor center so we could volunteer.
I think we got more than we bargained for. As soon as we got there they gave us gloves and took us to a table and taught us how to disembowel chickens  and how to crack open rabbits heads and expose their brains. Then we cut everything up into bite sizes and filled the bowls for the various birds.
We learned how to weigh and record their food, then got to feed them. Next we cleaned the cages and their perches. 
They are an amazing group of people who treat all the injured birds like their own babies. I got to go into a large cage and feed an Eagle who has lived there for 17 years. Some of these birds will be released and others will live their lives out there.
Kyle doesn't want to go back but I will be returning next Saturday. 
It was gross but to be helping these birds made it all worth it.

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