
By FarmerGirl

Happy Birthday Ange!

This afternoon we travelled to Golden Bay to attend the 40th Birthday party of my husband's step sister. I would have liked to have stopped on top of the Takaka hill to take some pictures of the view, however it was blowing, with horizontal rain - so I gave up on the idea!

We all went out for tea at Eatery on the Rocks, a very nice restaurant on the outskirts of Takaka. It was a lovely evening, with all of my husband's family travelling from all over New Zealand to attend the birthday!

On the way back to our motel at Pohara, in the middle of nowhere, I got stopped by a couple of lonely traffic officers, who had their lights flashing and were waving me down. I was breathalised - luckily we had decided when we left the restaurant that I would drive as I had not had any alcohol this evening - and I passed! After chatting with the cops, they let us go on our way. An exciting end to a very nice evening.

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