
By Cygnus

Gray Point

I've got into the routine of going to the early service on a Sunday morning, so leave church around 11am. This is definitely a good thing as there is loads more of the day to do other stuff!

The Ards Man and I went for a wee outing to Gray Point, a WW11 battery emplacement on the south side of Belfast Lough. We've sailed past it loads of times, but this was my first time to visit the site itself.

There are quite a few volunteers to Man the different buildings and exhibits and they are very generous with their time and expertise. The photo shows one of the two main six inch field battery guns at the point; thankfully never fired in anger.

We're home again now and the Ards Man is getting himself installed on the sofa all ready for the Ireland-Italy match later this afternoon.

Come on, Ireland!

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