Taking it seriously

This exercise lark is important no? It was a lovely autumnal day so I headed off down into the valley and walked along away from the village. To my shame it's the first time I've gone in that direction in all the time I've lived in the area and it's lovely. After a wee bimble I decided to stretch my legs going towards the village and this brought me to the pub. I'd brought my tablet so it seemed sensible to sit in the sun, in the garden, with a pint and a digital copy of "The Digital Scholar" which was written by Martin. The cool thing about an e-copy is that I can write all over it and highlight stuff and find my notes quickly later. The really cool thing is that I can have a few beers knowing that I'll walk them off on the way back (because there is a very big hill) - in fact a few beers make the hill that much easier to tackle. Lovely beer and brewed a stone's throw from the pub - what's not to love?

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