
By Cigs

Union Canal / Meggetland

AKA the Tesco Chain Store Massacre.

A Friday with the guys; after school finished for the week, we - in order of priority - bought a scooter wheel, took CIgs, then fitted the wheel and tested it out at the skate park.

So having sat in traffic on the west side of Edinburgh, bought the wheel and headed off to nab this. Well - not this one, but one up this way; as it turned out, one of the reasons I wanted to have a look at this one as it's hidden behind a hedge and I hoped autumn might be opening the shot up.
As it turned out, a chain saw totting nutter was doing autumn's job for me; laying waste to large swathes of hedgerow.

Black paint on Tesco's concrete; undated but almost certainly 2013 like the others here.

And then to the skate park. No injuries to report. Phew!

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