
By Mimthing

York Art Market

My fabulous *daughter was volunteering at the Art Market at the Knavesmire today so I dropped by to have a quick look ... Three hours later I left with a beautiful pair of earrings and loads of business cards from some amazingly talented artists
I particularly liked the work of Luke Thackeray.
I will have one of his works in my home soon...: He is a very talented young man!

I also met a lady with a sewing machine, Rachel Nettles...find her on FB /cabbagesandnettles clever girl from Manchester.

To spend time in the company of artists, of people who really know their place in life and are striving to live for their art form... Bliss
I didn't meet one pretentious **** today, every person I spoke to was genuinely lovely.

And the guy with the giant hare !!!!!
I'll start saving.

*she sold her first piece today ...!

The silhouette tree marks the resting place of my lovely old goose who didn't wake up this morning.

RIP Ethel.

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