A Birdbath Mandala

Dear Diary,

It is time to put the concrete birdbath away but not before I thought about what it called into my mind.  It reminded me of a mandala with the inclusive feeling it provides and the sanctuary within.  This morning's meditation from Fr. Richard Rohr was focusing on Carl Jung.

...the mandala shape so often found in dreams and art--a visual way of saying "everything belongs," a boundary meant to bring things in rather than keep things out.

I place a flat stone in the center of my birdbath so smaller birds can feel secure and easily access the water.  It is a sanctuary of sorts in the middle.  Finding that safe place in the center is something that those of us on a constant spiritual journey seek.

Every day, as I go about the humdrum business of life, I find these deeply meaningful images hiding in plain sight.  It never fails to amaze me.  But I am a firm believer in the notion that we see what we need to see if we keep our hearts and minds open.

...there is a unified field in which we live, and that gives the soul great peace.

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