
By LadyPride

Lobster Thermidor and Infacol

We went out!!!!!! It was a total mission, just like we were warned it would be (how much stuff does one little lady need? Jeez!) But we did it! Audrey in the car seat, pram out, walk round Manchester, fresh, it is possible after all!!

Had a haircut at Toni & Guy like a normal person (although bored my stylist senseless with my incessant Audrey chat, "Would you like to see a picture of her?" , "She does this thing when she smiles" etc.)

Then headed to one of our favourite restaurants in Manchester and had lobster thermidor (my favourite, not had it in ten months - bliss!) washed down with a glass of rose. Audrey slept in her pram and all was well (see pic).

Nice to know its possible and imagine it might become a bit of a weekend ritual all being well.

We now think she has colic (new parent neurosis part five) as last night, her 10pm until 1am hysterics returned with a vengeance!! Poor Audrey, she gets herself so worked up, turns bright red and nothing consoles her. Midwife said to try Infacol so we're trying that today, naturally.

Gina Ford regime seems to be working except my husband forgot it this morning and fed her an hour earlier in M&S baby changing facilities. I returned from my hair cut and went mad! "I give you one job" etc... Think we might be turning into those Gina Ford nutter parents we were warned about. Don't deviate from the schedule.....panic!!! Memo to self, stop it, immediately!! That is no way to live.

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