Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Making waves

I stopped for lunch in Geddington today and ate my sandwich looking at the best preserved of the Eleanor crosses. In 1290 Eleanor of Castile, the beloved wife of Edward I and mother of his 14 children, died at Harby in Nottinghamshire. The places where her body rested on the journey south to its tomb in Westminster Abbey were marked by stone crosses. The triangular Geddington cross, is the best-preserved of only three intact survivors. Other crosses stand at Hardingstone near Northampton, and Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire. Other stopping places such as Charing Cross (Chère reine) no longer have their crosses.
I went for a different photo though as I stood on the bridge looking into the river and was surprised as a car forded it. The water had looked too deep for it to be a ford especially after all the recent rain but several cars took their chance while others, narrow enough to negotiate the bollards, passed me on the top of the bridge.

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