At Last

By 8

Nose's Point Perspectives

I can see it - I hope you can too. In the distance - top right hand corner - the headland known locally as Nose's Point?
(To help - in extra - a pic of actual Nose's Point - photographed from my screen on my phone - sorry re crap quality - just wanted you to have something to compare and don' t have time to go along there today.)
Getting ready for exhibition entitled 'Wool and Wood' - basically just means works in mixed media.
I'm toying with a few ideas - always been fascinated with collagraphs. Main image I converted in Photoshop from an image of the minute wrinkles left in the soft clay of the Blast after the ice has melted. Just saw Nose's Point immediately.
Bought a framed mirror - frame is flat and wide and just asking to be altered.
Have in mind one of Neruda's Love Sonnets (number six) and putting together lots of my wintry images of branches and twiggy things and collaging onto mirror frame with some text from the poem.
Fun and scary in equal measure.
Mad? Deluded? Prollies.
Will tear up the ice wrinkles one to create an impression of twiggy undergrowth but may keep one whole and add colour to enhance Nose's Point illusion for an entirely different project.
Being retired is so much fun.
PS - Be great to add some actual roots to the frame... - thinking of those flattened ones ivy leaves under the bark of a tree - anyone got any per chance?
PPS - below, a link to the poem which inspired me

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