Darling, have you noticed.....

.....the vines are beginning to turn! Our vines, all 7 of them, are just beginning to get their Autumn colours.

Actually, if I could add an extra or two, something I still haven't achieved on the iPad, I could show you them in their entirety. Earlier this year, whilst uncovering something R said he'd found the cuttings that a friend gave us some years ago and that we'd shamefully neglected. He said to ditch them but I decided to separate and repot them and, low and behold, they flourished. It's TLC that does it. They are actually only about 18" high but there's potential there.

So sorry about the comments, been a bit stressful recently what with our electricity problems etc that I've not done any commenting....so what' snow I hear you say. I do look and enjoy and thank you to those who still comment to me, really appreciated.

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