Teefer at sunset

Today was mild but very wet, I don't like wet!!

When Swannie got in from her morning school run I was tucking into some lovely pigeon breast, but unfortunately, the garden looked like an explosion in a pillow factory!   We are not telling her who caught the pigeon. In her opinion, I'm too wee, Sheba's too fat, Maly's too old and arthritic which only leaves Teefer and she's just got three legs!

She thinks that the pigeon just died from natural causes and landed in the garden.  Not long after she saw it, though, out came the rubber gloves and it was disposed of - spoilsport!

The blip tonight is Teefer sitting on the garden fence with the setting sun lighting up the sky behind her.  She's living the dream (and I will be too; if I get my pigeon back!).  Lots of love, Daisy. xx

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