I Need.......

...new batteries! Mine are defunct, empty, inoperative....in fact they are as dead as a dodo. 

My shoulder is really painful too. I've taken strong painkillers and I have an ice pack on it. 

Do you remember times at school when you were in a class and all was silent and then something happened and you wanted to laugh. The more you tried to stifle it the more it hurt. Well I had a moment like that today. I had to call a lady to the chair ready to donate and I didn't put my glasses on to check her name....."Ms Eatock," I called.....well actually I didn't. I added a c in the middle of her name, then realised as I slipped my glasses on. I had to label her blood bags and put a cuff on her all with a straight face, whilst inwardly I was guffawing. Sorry....very bad I know and I hang my head in shame.The trouble was that once I'd hit the hysterical laughing stage I couldn't stop.....I know, really, really bad.....I'll stop now. 

At least I didn't have a stroppy donor have a hissy fit and stomp off whilst I was doing his health check, like I did yesterday! 

Julie took some blood from me today to check my iron level, I expected it to be low as I'm really tired....it wasn't. I'm just getting old :(((

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