
By MamaOfBoys

Exploring the rocks

Another beautiful hot day!

I babysat 2 of my 3 nephews this morning while my sister in law took my other  nephew to the dentist, they were such good little guys. Mar loves playing with his cousin.

After they left we mucked around at home the heat has made them a  bit tired so theyve sort of just played with lego and duplo inside,

When Andre got home, he had some work to do , once he finished it was still hot but a bit windy so we went to Sumner beach- to cave rock

The tide was starting to come in when we got there but the boys were still able to walk through cave rock and out the side, it was lot more sheltered there with lots of rocks to climb and rock pools to look at.

I showed Mar in the rock pools the little green sea anemones, the ones that close up when you touch them, he thought they were pretty awesome, we looked for other creatures but i need to brush up on my rockpool creature and plant life knowledge, i was a bit blank as to what else was there.

They had a great time but the tide was coming in faster after about 20 minutes so we headed up the beach to go to the playground. Mar and Andre climbed to the top of cave rock while i took Kanye and Harper down to the playground, the sand was really flying around in our eyes and ears.

Once at the playground it was more sheltered, they have done up the little paddling pool that's there and the boys didn't hesitate to run in , was a good depth for all them especially Harper.

The boys crashed after dinner, the sun and sea really wore them out which was good as the house was still quite warm and they usually have trouble sleeping when the house is so warm.

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