A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Slow Blip Dog

What did I do without Albi on slow blip days? I really can't remember. But thank goodness she is here and handily came and sat in the chair in front of me, or this would be a shot of a MacBook dying. Technically re-dying as it really died about a year ago and we have been ignoring it ever since. Turns out this isn't a strategy for fixing it so I should probably get around to making that Genius Bar appointment. Though I suspect that even they can't perform a miracle.

Anyway, you didn't get that, you got Albi. Who by rights should be completely passed out in this photo as the 2 hours before this involved a lot of firing balls for her to chase and retrieve in the garden and being taken for a huge run by her first "borrower", Chloe. We have enrolled Albi in the brilliantly inspired www.borrowmydoggy.com - a website which unites dog less dog lovers with dogs available for hanging out with. As Albi is incredibly sociable with both people and other dogs and needs lots of exercise it seems like an excellent plan to add some more people into the taking her out mix. We have met with a few people who are going to take her out sometimes. And one couple who are already angling for her to stay overnight. After a very busy day for both of us it felt like quite a treat for us to be able to cook together this evening whilst Chloe took Albi out. And as Chloe clearly wanted to maximise her time with Albi she took her all over and really enjoyed it. So that's now a regular Wednesday evening date night for Albi.

And another step of progress for J who has now been out of the house and for a walk for 13 straight days. His previous record since the accident was 5, and that was when he was determined to do his SATs and then collapsed for approximately 2 months. So this level of consistency is excellent and today he came back from the walk for the first time with a small amount of energy left, rather than completely collapsing. He's feeling very good about it all and so are we.

Lesley x

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