Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny


Up early, off to Macau for the day.

We went across on the Turbo Ferry, an hour long, bumpy ride. Then a taxi to the ruins of St Paul's temple. Cirst, though, we went into the muesuem of Macau, this couple were enacting a traditional Chinese love story, very styalised, obviously in Cantonese, so didn't understand a word of it!

The museum was very interesting, we spent a couple of hours in there, before walking to the ruins of St. Paul's Temple, which is now just fhe facade, more walking down to some gardens, which, in the end we didn't bother with. Another taxi ride to the centre of Macau, except it wasn't, bit of a misunderstanding between us and the taxi driver. We were in the 'wrong' part of Macau, we were looking for a decent restaurant, we ended up eating in a chinese that looked 'okay'. Meal was 'edible", another taxi to a bus stop were we caught the shuttle bus to the 'City of Dreams'. Dave had got tickets to a "water', show, called 'The Dancing Waters' we weren't sure what to expect, but it was the most spectacular show I have ever seen. Google, 'the Dancing Water' show Macau, there is a short video, it gives you a flavour of what we saw.

The show finished at 6.30 pm and we wisely decided to catch the next ferry back to Kowloon, it was agood job we did, as fhey suspended fhe ferry service after ours left, as a grade 3 typhoon warning was in operation. The ride back on the ferry was very, very bumpy, quite a few people being ill.

We bot back to our hotel and Dave and Rose back to their apartment just as the heavens opened. Another brilliant day.

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