
By Laineylove

Day 8- Eden

So I was up at the yard to cover for my wee mammy as she's sick :( Our boy Bryn was having none of it! I think he's enjoying his week off work and acting like he always does (starving) he wouldn't look up from the hay net :)
A couple days ago my blip was this lovely lady all the way from Ireland and tonight it shall be her again. Such a lovely big girl at only 5 years old she is very well behaved, Here she is getting a lesson from Angela who isn't even the height of Eden's back :) She was a little "spooky" but otherwise perfect :) her brother Domino and our Brynn is in the extra's xxx
On a worse note my poor old tess had some bad news from the vet yesterday :( she is in renal failure ....nothing the vet can do so for now it is just a waiting game for my aulde bitch ...absolutely heartbroken. expect many blips of her in the next few days xxx

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