Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood

Damsel in Distress!

I just love going down by the lake and watching the boats coming and going. While most of the boats are fishing boats during the week, most boats are pleasure cruisers on the weekends. And to add to the fun factor, the folks are interesting as well.

I also am on Eagle watch whenever I go to the lake. I haven't seen the Eagles perching yet this year, so I wonder if the young birds haven't yet left the nest.

I got out and walked around a little and saw many Dragon and Damsel flies. I love the pretty bright blue Damsels and took several shots of them. The only problem was that the wind was blowing and every time I would focus, another breeze would send my subject bobbing up and down!

As I was walking back to the car, I caught sight of a larger Damselfly and decided to try once more. This particular Damsel was incredibly blue...more blue than the others I had seen. I was able to get a fairly good capture....this one, too, was bobbing about....Damsel in Distress!

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