Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Evolution's Nikes

As I've blithered about on my Tumblr, my knee has been a bit unhappy in the last week or so of running. This has been most frustrating, given how much I've come to like running - and dislike walking. Thus today I decided to give some barefoot drills a quick go. Rather than fill up my blip by wittering on, if you like you can go to today's Tumblthing about it.

Anyhoo, I decided that said bare feet might make an amusing blip, and I decided I'd place them between shoes (even though these are good shoes, not Nikes). It continues to confusticate and bebother me that we've collectively fallen into the trap of believing that 3 decades of Nike et al could trump millions of years of evolution. We think our feet can't cut it, and we need these cushioned wossnames. Foolish.


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