A Matthew A Day

By MatthewAndMummy

Train driver

Went to visit Clearwell Caves this morning. Matthew found the caves themselves a bit too scary and whisked us through at a rather brisk pace, but as they are also an iron ore mine there is also a lot of rail working related stuff there which he thought was utterly brilliant and we practically had to drag him away from driving this little diesel engine.

In the afternoon we left him with granny and grandad while we went out for a few hours for a late lunch with an old friend and his fiancée. Had a lovely time - and delighted to find he hadn't been missing us at all :) Digging up carrots, watering the plants, and riding his bike out to the common to squash molehills and see the alpacas and horses.

A lovely day all told (but we could all do with a tad more sleep tonight).

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