Light at the End of the Week

Quite a burst of sunshine on my way home!  Shot on the A17.

Went to work, worked, went back home.  Sounds simple and hardly reflects how busy the day was.  The runny nose stopped running today and shapeshifted into an annoying cough.  Because most of my classes had to do presentations, I thankfully didn't have to do the talking the whole time.

Tonight, hubby had a bridge evening with three friends and I came along -- and so did my laptop, romantic DVD, family tree papers, etc., so I left them alone most of the time and they also left me alone for the most part, except when they gave me some cake, chocolates and mini hot snacks, which I could hardly taste because of my cold and cough, so I ended up giving the snacks to their dog, who of course kept quiet about it.  On the way to Breda, we picked up one of the friends, and I was able to show his wife some of the slide shows of our travels.  She'd been quite curious about how I made them and now wants to organize her shots the same way.

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