
By Hanulli

Wind Wheel

There are plans to build four very high wind turbines onto the hill next to us. So we decided to have a look at this similar wind wheels, which are not so far away.
And what do I have to say: They are giants, about 180 m / 590 feet hight!
You can see my family in front of one of them at the extra photo, so you can imagine their hight.
And they are loud. It sounds like a plane crossing in the air, but it do not move.
Wind wheels are the best alternative to conventional or nuclear power, they are clean, regenerative and decentral. The two wind wheels create the power for 3000 households... but it is not that easy to say "YES", when the build them in front of your nose.

My daughter has none of these problems, she was just enjoying to play with them :-D

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