My View Of The World

I thought a shot of my view of the world would be appropriate. This is where I sit as we cruise gently down the canal. though usually there is a mug of tea or a glass of wine on the table in front of me! I have a folding wooden chair out on the deck and a newspaper at my feet. The purpose of the newspaper is to give me something soft to put my cameras down on. The 7D with the fast card and 70 - 300mm lens is usually on my knee, ready for kingfisher sightings, and the 400D with the 17 - 40mm lens is on the paper ready for landscape shots. 

We knew we still had a couple of days in hand so we took a turn onto the Macclesfield canal. We were so pleased we had, the scenery was beautiful. We had to turn around before we got to the Bosley locks.

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