
By mrsc48

Happy Birthday Audrey. Xx

I've been to a birthday party.

My dear friends mam had a party to celebrate her 80th birthday tomorrow. Me and my teenage daughter were invited to a meal today to join the family in their celebrations.

Of course it goes without saying the birthday girl didn't want a fuss. But why shouldn't she have a fuss on such a special day and we were privalaged to be part of it.

We arrived a little earlier than the main guest to prepare the room with personalised banners, bunting and balloons. The young ones did their bit and blew up the balloons and climbed on chairs to secure the banners and bunting and provide the smiles and laughter that make a mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend proud of their presence in honour of her.

The lady of the day arrived and was pleased to see everyone, some were missing due to another engagement but they were thought about and with some very clever editing of a photograph afterwards they have been added to the photo of all the grandchildren.

The meal was lovely, three courses, roast beef can be recomended at this venue and the apple pie. The staff courteous and nothing any bother for them. A good sized meal too, not too much that you are stuffed and uncomfortable afterwards, a good size. Lovely.

So with food over followed by coffee and cake then came the speach from the son of the guest of honour who paid tribute to his mam and those present and thanked everyone for joining his mam to celebrate her special day. Really the thanks were all ours for being invited to join in this special day with their family.

The photos took the form of a wedding do and the papparazzi stood in a line at the front of the table and there was an order amongst the photographers so the subject would look at each camera in turn along the line. Calls of 'mam' as the line went along indicated which way the group should look for the next photo.

Photographs over, a photo album is a gift which has photos of all the family, children, grand children and great grandchildren. This brings out gasps at the fashions and the hair do's, "oh look how cute" and the fond memories of where these photos were taken.

The time flew by some guests eft to go to work, others to catch trains back to university or for a longer drive home and others sat talking to those they hadn't seen for a while.

It was a relaxed fun afternoon. It was good to see people we don't see very often. We had a great day out and think the birthday girl did too. We thank her for the invite and hope she has just as good day tomorrow when it will be her official 80th birthday.

Happy birthday Audrey. Xx

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