A look

Words are only painted fire; a look is the fire itself.
Mark Twain

Raspberry has an extended bedroom stay in the morning since The Cat Cold War resumed in December,(no, it is no better). She has her breakfast and then a big scrub and a long nap till after 11:30. She is then released to come downstairs and rule the lower kingdom after he is safely taken up to the comfy loft. He then becomes the Prince of the upper kitchen addition domain. Tiresome, but the only way we can all peacefully coexist and give attention to both...shrew that she is.

I will pay for posting this!

For the Record,
This day came in like a lovely June day should, clear, breezy and perfect. We're celebrating my niece S' 27th Birthday early today. Her mum and I will be landing in Sweden on her actual day. Lunch at another great seafood haunt, The Summer Shack with all the family except sweet G.

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