
By prostel


Bu ulke bizim. İktidar hirsi ile yananlarin değil! Korkuya yer yok!

"We can fix what’s broken. Our present reality does not need to be our destiny. It will take courage. It will require many difficult changes. People, especially those who benefit from the status quo, will resist.
Reject the narrative of fear. It only adds to the ugliness in the world. Summon the courage to choose possibility, imagination, and humility over fatalism and defeat. Ask yourself, “How can I help? How can I serve? What small broken thing is in my power to piece together again?” And do that. However humble and inconsequential it seems, do that.
In 1501, Catholicism seemed eternal. In 1849, slavery seemed entrenched. In 1959, nuclear war seemed inevitable. In 2005, gay marriage seemed impossible. Until they weren’t"

I share an old photo since this is the best I have to give hope to all.
Love to all.

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