One click at a time

By KeithKnight

June Challenge - Make Believe - Looking up to....

Lots of tenuosity here.

Went up to Dunstable Downs, where I got to walk through water-logged grass in bright sunshine, I had to make believe that it was June!

Went looking for Red Kites, saw man-made kites that were red, and crows, had to make believe that both were the bird type of Red Kites.

Looked across towards Luton Airport, no planes insight, but there were lots of gliders up (well it was windy).

So here is one of the many gliders that were out today (making believe that it was a Jumbo Jet) and a kite (making believe that 1t was a glider or plane or bird).

Then I looked across Aylesbury Vale and saw a wall of rain coming across. Went back to the car and drove home, on the way the wall of water caught up with me and no more make believe was needed, the British Summer had returned.

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