Under Belly

Today was quite a tough day. I am our Work site Union Delegate ( Shop Steward), I had to sit in on a meeting between one of our members and The Company. The Chap I was representing has been off work for six months with Bowel Cancer and is undergoing Chemo Therapy. The Company had come to a decision to work out an Exit Plan and Medically Retire this Chap.I had to stay neutral and not let the emotional side  take over. The saddest part is that in 3 weeks he will be finished his Chemo and ready to start Phased in duties to get back into his full work capacity. The company feels it can no longer keep supporting this man with unpaid leave while employing a Temporary worker to do his duties. The company has been reasonable and have kept him employed for longer than the legal requirement of 65 days sick leave, he has been off for 126. Even though he will be finished all his treatment except for rejoining his Bowel, it is uncertain how long it will take him to undertake his full duties. For the Company this is becoming a financial cost to them, for the Chap he has become angry and has looked for faults within the company. He feels a little unfairly treated as there is provision for an Employer to pay Parental leave for 12 months, which requires them to take on a temporary or casual replacement. Yet there is no provision other than  5 days sick leave in most contracts, 10 days in ours per year. This man fought for his life and had to fight for his job. Personaly I feel it is morally  wrong and it is like kicking someone in the guts when they are down. I have had my eyes opened up to how ruthless Employment Relations can be and why we are a Human Resource. A long time ago when you started work you had a name,now you have a number. This is a huge spider on the outside of our wood shed taken with my 60mm macro lens in the dark , I am allowed to call it huge because even at a distance a spider is too close for my liking. When it comes to Arachnoids I am a big sook.  

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